To connect to an Internet Mail Account from a telephone connection.
Project Overview
Briefly, the project consists of the following components:
- IVR System
- Mail Server and Mail Client
- Modem Access component
- Database
The user connects to the application from a telephone line, which connects to a modem. The application plays a
voice menu, authenticates the user, and retrieves user identification. This identification maps to a user id and
password in the database. The application then connects to the mail server with the user's credentials. Again,
following the prompts from a voice menu, the application either
announces the mails received, or reads a particular mail.
Project Details
The application stores user details in a database. The application provides interface to user creation for system
access, and also performs e-mail related tasks such as mail account creation, mail access, and mail reader.
Project Implementation
Java Platform with TTS engine, Java Mail API, and Java Server programming.
Interactive Voice
Response |
Text To
Speech |